вторник, 21 февраля 2012 г.


WASHINGTON -- The following information was released by the office of Massachusetts Rep. Ed Markey:

Rep. Markey speaks out against drastic cuts proposed by Republicans, and asks to stop tax breaks to big oil companies first.

Rep. Markey fights against tax cuts for Big Oil, defends spending for low-income heating

"My amendment would fully restore LIHEAP (low-income heating assistance program) funding and reduce the deficit by repealing $40 billion in tax breaks for big oil. Oil Companies don't need the 100 year old tax breaks to sell $100 per barrel oil while making $100 billion per year."

Rep. Markey defends funding for NIH

"By the time all of the baby boomers have retired, the budget for each year is going to one trillion dollars to take care of the 15 million baby boomers who will have Alzheimer's... The money we spend today will save us 900 times the money we will ultimately have to spend on treatment."

Rep. Markey stands against cuts to public broadcasting

"From 6am every morning to 6pm every night there is something that parents can rely on for their children that is educationally nutritious... Cuts to Big Oil to be substituted with a cutting of Big Bird."

Markey defends 'net neutrality' on house floor; blasts GOP with tech history lesson

"Whenever Grandma called from California, people would run to the phone, 'Hurry its long distance!' ... No competition, no incentive to introduce innovation, lower prices, make consumer the king... We here said, 'We must introduce competition.' ... [Republicans] are opposed to the open network, opposed to giving every competitor equal access. That is what this debate is about. They are covering it as though the government is really trying to control the internet- Not so. They are siding with the broadband barons against the thousands of companies that have reinvented the telecommunications system."

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