среда, 22 февраля 2012 г.

Internet Marketing Profit Centre (IMPC) Releases E-Course to Educate Website Owners about Converting Visitors into Prospects.

7 Secrets To Websites That Sell e-course Released offers SME business owners a quick start guide to point them in the right direction to make sure they have a website that sells. Anyone who has a business website or who is considering setting one up should register for this e-course and take advantage of its information.

SYDNEY -- Internet Marketer Fiona Lewis from the Internet Marketing Profit Centre (IMPC) has created a two week e-course to educate website owners about the essential elements of a website that converts visitors into prospects.

There is a lot of emphasis in the Internet Marketing community about getting traffic to websites, but Lewis believes just as much emphasis should be placed on setting up a website in such a way that it compels website visitors to take the desired action - whether that be to sign up for a free giveaway or newsletter, pick up the phone to make contact with the business or make a purchase online.

The 7 Secrets To Websites That Sell e-course is designed to educate SME website owners in seven easy to follow lessons.

"Imagine if in a few minutes a day over two weeks you could discover the key to making your website bring in fresh leads... new customers... more profits... every single day," says Lewis.

Lewis believes that websites should have one sole purpose: grow your business and make you money. Yet most business owners do not experience this type of online presence.

This is because many website designers do not have an understanding of what it takes to create an effective and profitable online presence. Yes, the site may look great - but if it is not making you money, then it is essentially an expensive advertisement sitting in cyberspace.

"What website owners will find when doing this free e-course," says Lewis, "is that all of the strategies covered are generally simple and easy to implement - but they can make the most incredible difference to the conversion rate of the site. However, the majority of people don't even know about them."

Visit http://www.internetmarketingprofitcentre.com.au to get access to the free course.

IMPC is an Internet Marketing Consulting business in Sydney, Australia with clients across a broad range of industries. The IMPC team includes SEO experts, designers and coding professionals with a thorough knowledge of online marketing.

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